In the movie screenings of Robert Rodriguez and Quentin Tarantino’s Grindhouse fake previews were played for other Grindhouse films that some famous directors had toyed around with. One of those films, Machete, has already been turned into a real film and now it looks like a second one is being turned into reality.
在罗伯特罗德里格兹和昆汀塔伦蒂诺联合摄制的电影《刑房》里有一些由一些知名导演恶搞的其它磨坊电影的假预告片。 其中的一部:《弯刀》,已经被拍摄完毕并且上映了,目前第二部的计划也已经展开
although the story of the film is quite simple but the film turns out ot be something fun to watch. not really quite shocked once the truth has been uncovered in the end but the whole way to reach there is still filled with some surprises here and there. the death scenes are not that creative but full of needed blood and even laughable for couple of them. therefore it has done a really nice job fulfilling the purpose of entertaining the audience. recommended if you are int
感恩节:2023,pretty interesting
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